Gas Deep Fat Fryer

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Chips, chicken wings, tempura, fritters, and more! With an efficient gas deep fat fryer in your kitchen, the list of delicious savoury dishes you can whip up in a matter of minutes goes on and on. It’s even perfect for sweet street-food snacks such as doughnuts and churros, and creative desserts such as deep fried ice-cream. Our catering equipment range features two choices of high-performance gas-powered fryers from the food experts at Bartscher, ideal for kitchens of any size.

Choose an efficient gas deep fat fryer for professional and home kitchens

A gas deep fat fryer is a staple in diners and the fast food industry, for whipping up classic favourites like fries and chicken wings. But that’s not all – a gas deep fat fryer can find a home across a wide range of kitchens, perfect for whipping up countless creative additions to your menu. We’re talking indulgent desserts like profiteroles, banana fritters, and deep fried ice-cream, and a huge variety of international favourites like Japanese tempura, Mexican chimichangas, and British fish and chips. The list goes on! So, whether you work in a busy restaurant or hotel kitchen, or a compact café or street-food stall, a gas deep fat fryer will aid you in producing everything from bite-sized nibbles to full-blown main-courses. As well as adding variety, this classic cooking style can help you to cook in large batches, saving you endless time and space in the kitchen. Best of all, our rigorously tested gas deep fat fryer range is proven to be safer to use than traditional chip pans. Choose between our large and smaller models, depending on your kitchen space and your menu needs. Our cheapest gas deep fat fryer from Bartscher is ideal for compact kitchens and withstands up to eight litres of cooking oil. Our larger gas deep fat fryer is double in size, offering you two eight-litre units – that’s twice the cooking space plus the ability to balance several dishes at once. Each gas deep fat fryer is efficiently powered (by either 400 or 600 watts) and is preset to use with liquid gas. Built with high quality stainless steel, our gas deep fat fryer models with their removable stainless steel fryer baskets are hard-wearing and easy to clean– exactly what you want from all your cooking gadgets!

Desserts, snacks and more!

Kitting out any kitchen is no simple task, but it’s worth doing right. That’s why we trust expert brands such as Royal Catering and Bartscher for all your culinary needs. As well as our gas deep fat fryer selection, we have a wide range of gadgets and furniture to help you with every stage of the food journey. To keep your kitchen organised and clean, and to safely store your ingredients, look no further than our wide range of stainless steel furniture featuring work tables, shelves, display counters, fridges, and hygiene supplies. When it comes to prepping your ingredients, we feature a wide range of high-performance kitchen helpers from our stainless-steel burger presses to our sharp and efficient fruit and vegetable cutters. And when it comes to turning up the heat, you’ll find a wide choice of salamander grills, hot dog makers, and catering toasters in our range of snack bar and take-away equipment. Remember, for the rest of your business needs, we also stock a wide selection of craft supplies and high-performance industrial equipment. Much like our kitchen supplies, we trust the best global names to give you great value and results for your business and your customers, wherever you work.