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Frying Basket

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With a range of foods from Asian dumplings to french fries, using a fryer is a popular option for preparing food. You don’t need to be a chef at a restaurant to know how to use a fryer, and it only makes sense to purchase a high-grade stainless-steel frying basket that you know is going to last after repeated usage. So, pick a size and get ready to prepare your next fried delight!

Sturdy frying basket for all your frying needs!

• Not just for the fast food restaurants anymore! • Separable parts for easy cleaning or replacement • Grab a backup basket for larger meals • Composed of high-grade stainless-steel

Fryers used to be relegated to the domain of the fast food restaurant, but it’s popularity has seen it make its way into the ubiquitous food trucks driving around town, and even in the corner pub for bar snacks and late night eats. If you’ve already got one of our great personal fryers locked and loaded, you’ll want to make sure you have that backup frying basket for those larger meals or extra hungry stomachs. These frying baskets are composed of two key parts: the high-grade stainless-steel basket, and the durable plastic handle. Both of these parts are separable and come apart for easy cleaning or easy replacement. So, if you’ve worn that handle to the contours of your hand just right, there’s no need to worry if your wire basket has seen better days. Just slip it off and replace it with your new frying basket. They also come in multiple sizes for every sized need. Whether you’re cooking for yourself or the whole neighborhood, only having one frying basket could cause a lot of sad faces walking out your kitchen door with empty stomachs absent of that deep-fried goodness they were promised on their way in, and no one wants to see that. Do yourself a favor and make sure you grab at least one spare frying basket from Royal Catering to avoid that disappointment!

There’ll be no frying without that basket!

• For big fryers, small fryers, and everything in between • Use as a part of your ever-growing kitchen repertoire • Don’t forget about other much needed cooking appliances! • For events big and small, we’ve got you covered

If you’re doing the frying at home in small batches, or you’ve equipped yourself with a double trouble behemoth, these frying baskets are exactly what you need to make sure the food keeps coming out fried to perfection. And if you’re having such a great time with your fryer, why not think about expanding your arsenal with another crowd pleaser that would go great with those curly fries you’ve been serving up? We have a full range of stainless-steel kitchen items that will have a full kitchen up and running in no time, and for those looking to start building the kitchen of their dreams, we have every imaginable piece of cooking equipment you could ever desire! From electric frying pans and contact grills to vacuum drying ovens and sous-vide cookers, you can find just about everything imaginable for your industrial kitchen needs. And, of course, we've got our caterers in mind with everything you need for that wedding party or birthday celebration, no matter how small or big the event, you can find it here. As always, for all of your online shopping needs for the craftsman to the cook, check out the rest of the site and see what else there is that you didn’t know you needed yet!